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Transformative Dice

A small bag that is blue, pink and white mixed together in a swirling pattern. Inside, is a die that has 6 different colored sides. When rolling this die, it will change the rollers appearance to whatever is programmed on the device. The roller can only go back to their normal form after rolling white on the die or getting a blessing from a cleric, or remove curse from a magic user, and only get two rolls per long rest. Use the numbers on a 1d6 to represent the colors if you don’t have a colored die     1. Green     2. Blue     3. Red     4. White     5. Orange     6. Purple These can all be programmed by a magic user, or the person who made the die. Rolling white will always get you back to your original character and cannot be changed. All others can be changed. The form can also be an animal, but that form must have a way to roll the die. In order to program the die, the magic user will need to ...
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