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How this works...

 Every Wednesday, a new item, NPC, or other plot element for you to use in your campaigns or stories will be published on this site. You are able to use these ideas without accreditation, but cannot publish without permission. Much like with XKCD, You can repost, but you cannot sell these ideas.

The entries here are meant to be remixed. You can use them as is, or you could completely rework background elements of the character, location, or item to better fit your story. 

Basically, these are ideas that I've thought of for campaigns, but couldn't find anywhere to use them. Or, these are ideas I've used in the past that have worked well for me, or perhaps need reworked. Either way, this is a place for creativity.

You can search for labels using the side bar, or the "Search" at the top of the page if you need to find something more specific

If you would like to submit ideas...

This is a site that encouraged creativity, so if you have an idea you'd like to submit, you can do so in the "hamburger menu"; the three lines at the top right of the screen. I will give credit at the beginning of the article so that your name is not passed up for those who can't make it to the end of the article. You can choose to submit anonymously, just let me know in the message area.

Now, you should have enough info to use the site. If you have questions, feel free to contact me with the same submission method as above. Upwards and onward, my fellow adventurers!