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ITEM: Head That's Always Screaming


It’s a severed head that’s always screaming. The eyes are glossed over, smokey, but unblinking. The skin that used to be the neck has turned black at the tips, fading into the dark green of the rest of the decaying flesh.

If thrown away, it will come back. It bonds itself to the second person who touches it. Rumor has it that the head belonged to a once mighty warrior who, in a last ditch effort to win a battle to the death, tore his head off his shoulders and threw it at the adversary. His head continued to scream, keeping him alive and driving his adversary insane. The adversary eventually died, meaning the warrior had won the battle.

The screams are his final ones, but since he refuses to die in order to win the battle, he will scream for eternity.


Freight - Due to its rather morbid nature and appearance, it will frighten most people.

Warriors Scream: It will increase your visibility to enemies before attaching to them. The head does not float or move; it simply appears where it needs to.

CURE: The only way to rid oneself of the Head That’s Always Screaming is to get a blessing to unbind it.

